Events, related to Circular Economy or Clusters
June 26, 2018
Smart Approaches to Going Global: Market Opportunities in Japan’s Construction and Building Technologies sector.
EU Gateway | Business Avenues Coaching Network and the European Circular Construction Alliance (ECCA) are pleased to invite you to a webinar on:
Smart Approaches to Going Global: Market Opportunities in Japan’s Construction and Building Technologies sector.
Japan is the world’s 3rd largest construction market, posting 23% year-on-year growth since 2014. There are more business opportunities for European companies operating in the construction and building technologies sector, driven in part by growing market demands as well as favourable conditions introduced by the recently finalised EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement.
Join this webinar to see how you can best leverage on these opportunities.
Date: Tuesday, 26 June
Time: 10:30 – 11:15 CET
(Central European Time)
• Market Trends and Opportunities in Japan in the Construction and Building Technologies sector
• EU Gateway | Business Avenues: A Smart Approach to Going Global
• Question and Answer Session
Past events
June 6-8, 2018
Tampere, Finnland
10 and 11 May 2018
Kostanjevica na Krki / Maribor, Slovenia
26th April 2018
Aldgate Tower
2 Leman Street
London, E1 8FA
Circular Economy & Materials Resource Efficiency Conference
20th March 2018
SWALEC Stadium, CF11 9XR, Cardiff, Wales
Resource efficiency and circularity:
benefits for the public sector event
5th December 2017
Kołobrzeg, Poland
Circular Economy – a global challenge for construction industry. Second ECCA Conference
sEaNERGIA Baltic Cluster invites you to an international conference “Circular Economy – a global challenge for construction industry. 2nd ECCA Conference”, which will be held on 5 December 2017 in Baltic Plaza hotel **** mediSPA & fit at Plażowa 1 street in Kołobrzeg, Poland.
7th and 21th June 2017
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
A practical, action-driven, two day workshop
5th and 6th June 2017
Helsinki , Finland
World Circular Economy Forum 2017
The forum aims to clarify how circular economy solutions can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals by generating growth and jobs in different parts of the world.
The World Circular Economy Forum 2017 (WCE Forum 2017) will be take place on 5 and 6 June 2017 in Helsinki, Finland. It will bring together the world’s leaders, top experts, entrepreneurs, financiers and civil society to share their ideas and to find common visions towards the transition to a global circular economy.
11th and 12th May 2017
Ljubljana, Slovenia
2nd International Circular Change Conference: WALKING THE TALK: ENABLING CIRCULAR TRANSFORMATION
At the conference we will explore the systemic approach by tapping into circular economy platforms at local, urban, regional and international levels.
7th to 9th March 2017
London , UK
Resource efficiency is an imperative. Circular economy modelling is driving this forward.
Circular economy thinking is holistic. New solutions and good ideas are arising from sharing and collaboration. We look at how to save and make money through reducing waste, recycling, recovery and repair, plus closing the loop with smarter design and manufacturing. Tailor-made conference and learning programmes will discuss solutions to specific problems and develop macro strategy to capitalise on new commercial opportunities as we help businesses take steps towards resource efficiency and the circular economy.
- Non-destructive building techniques and materials
- Financing structures surrounding ownership, materials and recovery
- Recyclability of materials, manufacturer responsibility and the benefits of considering end of life
- Packaging optimisation and recyclability
- Leasing over selling – new income and profit models
- Material choices, recovery and circular economy thinking
23th to 25th November 2016
Beijing, China
The European Commission invites small and medium-sized companies to join a circular economy delegation to Beijing on 23-25 November 2016.
The delegation takes place on the occasion of the 1st China International Circular Economy Exhibition and will be led by Mr Daniel Calleja, the European Commission’s Director-General for Environment.
A series of matchmaking meetings with local entrepreneurs will give EU green business, and in particular SMEs, the chance to explore business partnerships in the following areas:
- Circular economy,
- Resource efficiency and sustainable use of natural resources,
- Eco-innovation,
- Chemicals,
- Water management,
- Waste management, and
- Energy saving.
If you’d like to participate, please register in advance. Participation is free of charge; travel arrangements and accommodation costs are under the responsibility of each participant.
17th and 18th November 2016
Brussels , Belgium
ECTP Conference
We kindly remind you that the online registration for the ECTP Conference organised at the Centre for Fine Arts (23 Rue Ravenstein, 1000 Brussels) on 17-18 November 2016 is open.
ECCA project and circular economy will be presented in Materials section.
The 7th ECTP open conference will take place in Brussels on 17-18 November. This event will be dedicated to present and discuss current and anticipated innovation in the built environment field. Plenary sessions with high-level speakers from academia, industry and the European Commission will introduce the global scheme and visions from various stakeholders. Meanwhile, thematic parallel sessions will address diverse specific issues under the five current challenges of the ECTP. A hall for booths will exhibit examples of innovation.
In order to benefit from early-birds fees, you should register and achieve the registration payment before September 22.
Moreover, should you wish to take part in the Exhibition of Booths, please send your proposal ASAP to, using the booth application form, since space is limited.
Do not hesitate to disseminate the Conference Flyer and the ECTP Conference Website around you.
Please contact the Conference Secretariat for any additional information you may require.
7th to 25th November 2016
Disruptive Innovation Festival (DIF)
The Disruptive Innovation Festival is an online, open access event that explores the question: The economy is changing — what do I need to know, experience and do? The DIF enables participators from a global network to share, discover and learn from some of the world’s brightest start-ups, innovators, entrepreneurs, businesses, designers and makers, exploring the economy through a different lens. Last year 20,000 participants from 181 countries registered to attend over 270 sessions, and 2016 is already shaping up to be bigger and better. In 2016 the DIF will take place from the 7th-25th of November held across six virtual stages; coordinated and accessible at All the information on the DIF including topic ideas, 2016 theme descriptions and examples of previous sessions can be found at the website.
3rd to 4th of November 2016
Copenhagen, Denmark
Oxford Research’s and Quercus Group’s International Cluster Course 2016
The course will review:
• Theoretical and practical knowledge about clusters and cluster development
• Cluster cycles: Comprehensive understanding of clusters’ and cluster initiatives different development stages
• Understanding of different cluster policies and approaches
• Management and facilitation of clusters and network: Practical tools and methods for cluster development
• Strategic development and action plans in relation to participants’ own clusters
• Challenges for cluster and network facilitators: Pitfalls and criteria for success
• Evaluation and monitoring of clusters and cluster initiatives
• Insight into international good practice
3rd and 4th November 2016
Lisbon , Portugal
The Congress of Innovation on Sustainable Construction (CINCOS’16)
27th October 2016
Burgos, Spain
High Level Conference: ” European Regions in the Critical Raw Materials strategy and the Circular Economy Policy “
This conference will address different topic as the Critical Raw Materials strategy in the European Union and the importance of innovation in Circular Economy and count on important high level local and international speakers contributions such as the EU Committee of the Regions, the European Commission-DG of Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs and the European Association of Regional Development Agencies (EURADA), among others. In this event, the global regional strategy for Critical Raw Materials at EU level is going to be discussed by relevant authorities, at time that a working group interlinking authorities and technologists will be created to develop regional roadmaps in synergy and communicate to EU Commission.
ICCRAM “International Research Center in Critical Raw Materials for Advanced Industrial Technologies” is organizing in collaboration with the Regional Council of Lapland, the European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN) and Agency of Innovation, Business Financing and Internationalization of Castilla y León (ADE), the high level conference “European Regions in the Critical Raw Materials strategy and the Circular Economy Policy” that will be celebrated in Burgos on 27th October 2016.
The conference is hosted by ICCRAM and will be held at University of Burgos, Aula Magna located in the historic building of Hospital del Rey: Hospital del Rey s/n, 09001, Burgos
For more information on the event please visit the official website.
27th October 2016
Warszawa, Poland
Monitoring of the Construction Market conference 2016
Participate in the conference and explore current results and reliable forecasts for the construction industry! The conference organized by ASM – Market Research and Analysis Centre is one of the most important and biggest events of the construction industry in Poland, which every year brings together over 150 people from the industry. It will take place on 27 October 2016 in Hotel LORD, Krakowska St. 218, Warsaw.
During the conference European Circular Construction Alliance will be presented and participants will have the opportunity to discuss the current trends related to circular construction as well as join the Alliance.
The conference will be also accompanied by poster session during which projects implemented under the Horizon 2020 or earlier Framework programmes will be presented. Should you be interested in promoting your project, please register and mention in the registration form in the “Comments” box: Poster Session – H2020/7FP – (project acronym).
For more information on the event please visit the official website.
26th – 28th October 2016
Tallin, Estonia
Grow circular!
Financing SME Eco-innovation
The transition to a new, circular and sustainable way of doing business needs to happen on the ground. Eco-innovative entrepreneurs know that environmental protection makes business sense and understand how being innovative today will help them grow sustainably in the long term. Turning environmental challenges into business opportunities will help deliver a resource-efficient, green and competitive low-carbon EU economy.
For more information on the event please visit the official website.
25th and 26th October 2016
Gijón, Spain
The 25 and 26 October in the Congress Hall Fairground of Gijón, the IV European Forum Interclústers Construction. During the event, the Cluster ICA (Construction Innovation Asturiana), in collaboration with ASTUREX coinciding with the CONSTRUCTION SECTOR FORUM ASTURIAS, held this meeting Clústers Construction in order to analyze the current industry and its future prospects.
22th – 24th September 2016
Ohrid, Macedonia
7th Balkan and Black Sea Conference
The conference ”Cluster-Based Economic Development for a Sustainable Region” will contribute to:
- Socially balanced economic development and employment creation in the BBS region.
- Enabling business environment for SME based on collaboration between public, academia, financial organizations, media and business community.
- Establishment of the public-private dialogue for advocating for the needs of SMEs.
- Exchange of knowledge and experiences in the cluster based economic development in developed countries, countries in transition and developing countries.
- Transnational cross clusters networking.
- Efficient approach to EU and other development funds.
More information and registration here.
22nd June 2016
Liverpool, UK
R&D (H2020), Technology and Business Collaboration
International Circular Economy, Resource Efficiency and Eco-innovation Brokerage Event
This FREE to attend event is taking place during the International Festival for Business 2016 (IFB2016). IFB2016 is a global marketplace for creating connections and doing deals. It brings together thousands of businesses from around the world for three weeks of events, networking and deal-making.
Registration is possible until 15th June. More information and registration here.
23th May 2016
Bucharest, Romania
Circular Economy for Buildings

More information here.
16th and 17th May 2016
Washington, United States
2016 Sustainability Forum
“The circular economy, marked by creative innovations and a systems-level approach, can be used to tackle many of the world’s most complex environmental and social challenges. Building on our 2015 conference The Circular Economy: Unleashing New Business Value, companies and other stakeholders will come together to identify practical approaches for implementing the circular economy from a design, process, service, and product perspective.”
More information here.
21st March 2016
Brussels, Belgium
Business and practitioners workshop on financial opportunities and legislative barriers for the circular economy
This workshop was for business representatives who are engaged in, or will engage in, circular economy projects or business models. The first part offered the chance to get a better understanding of the available instruments and tools for access to finance. In the second part, the main legal barriers for investment and innovation were discussed.
More information here.
16th and 17th March 2016
Sevilla, Spain
During this conference, concrete cases from all over Europe demonstrated a selection of good practices on circular economy and governance at national, regional or local level.
More information here.
9th to the 10th of March 2016
London , UK
Tailor-made conference and learning programmes discussed solutions to specific problems and develop macro strategy to capitalise on new commercial opportunities as we help businesses take steps towards resource efficiency and the circular economy.

ECCA project is co-funded by the COSME programme of the European Union in the frame of "Clusters go International" call for the project proposals.
The main objective of the action is to intensify cluster and business network collaboration across borders and sectoral boundaries and to support the establishment of European Strategic Cluster Partnership to lead international cluster cooperation in fields of strategic interest – notably in support of the development of emerging industries.