Circular Economy – a global challenge for construction industry conference
2nd ECCA international conference, Kołobrzeg, Poland, 5th december 2017
Welcome speach
Elżbieta Syrda, Vladimir Gumilar
European aspect of circular economy
Conference closure

Presentation Policies and activities in circular economy-Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning – Slovenia
Presentation Scenarios for circular construction 2030
Presentation How European SMEs are reaping the benefits and tackling the challenges of sustainability
Presentation From waste management to circular economy in the building sector
Presentation Lighthouse circular construction solutions for global markets, ECCA – project presentation
Presentation Digitalisation in the construction sector
Presentation Integration of nZEBbuildings and e-mobility
Presentation Closing the loops in construction sector – LIFE ReBirth and RusaLCA projects
Presentation Innovative solutions for C and DW recycling – HISER project
Presentation Use of natural and recycled materials in construction
Presentation Hemp house
ECCA_conference-1-Agenda ECCA_conference-2-Policies_and_activities-Slovenia ECCA_conference-3-Scenarios_2020
ECCA_conference-5-A _case_from_Flanders
ECCA_conference-7-Digitalisation in the construction sector
ECCA_conference-9-Closing the loops in constructionsector
ECCA_conference-10-Innovative_sollutions_for_CDW _recycling
ECCA 1st conference CE as global challange for construction sector – eproceedings
Construction industry is facing a number of challenges due to new technologies, high environmental, social and economical requirements, up and downs of the world and national economies. Circular economy brings additional ones requiring higher resource efficiency, new strategic thinking, value chain collaboration and business models, new collaborative developments, cooperation with others sectors and across borders. The conference was aimed to show that this is an opportunity for new development, growth and sustainability of the sector.
Venue: Best Western Premier Hotel Slon, Slovenska cesta 34, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Conference fee: Free of charge

ECCA project is co-funded by the COSME programme of the European Union in the frame of "Clusters go International" call for the project proposals.
The main objective of the action is to intensify cluster and business network collaboration across borders and sectoral boundaries and to support the establishment of European Strategic Cluster Partnership to lead international cluster cooperation in fields of strategic interest – notably in support of the development of emerging industries.