Circular Economy – a global challenge for the construction industry
International collaboration for transition to circular construction
Circular economy is receiving increasing attention worldwide as a way to overcome the current production and consumption model based on continuous growth and increasing resource use, to meet Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement on climate change. Construction sector has to contribute to circularity agenda, and exploit this challenge for the transformation of the sector, to become more innovative and capable of addressing regional and global challenges. Circular construction adopts the principles of circular economy along the life-cycle of buildings and other infrastructure development.
As a results of European Circular Construction Alliance (ECCA) follow-up and post-project activities and recent development of cluster paradigm, Construction Cluster of Slovenia, ECCA coordinator, started ICCC (short for International Circular Construction Cluster) initiative to support ECCA internationalisation strategy implementation, and more. One of the reasons for the initiative is assuring sustainability of activities and collaboration in this field, not being dependent on particular project (public) funding as it was case with ECCA.
Join the International Circular Construction Cluster.

European Circular Construction Alliance - adopting Circular Economy for internationalization and global competitiveness of European SMEs in Building and Construction
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ECCA project is co-funded by the COSME programme of the European Union in the frame of "Clusters go International" call for the project proposals.
The European Commission has selected 24 “European Strategic Cluster Partnerships – Going International” as a result of the COSME call “Cluster Go International” (COS-CLUSTER-2014-3-03). One of them is ECCA project.
The European Strategic Cluster Partnerships – Going International (ESCPs-4i) were labelled by the European Commission, DG Growth and the Executive Agency for SMEs of the European Commission following the COSME call COS-CLUSTER-2014-3-03 – Cluster Go International and their activities started as ESCP-4i labelled partnerships at the beginning of 2016.
The ESCP-4i are transnational cluster partnerships that develop and implement a joint internationalisation strategy and support SME internationalisation towards third countries beyond Europe. They aim to develop common actions and an implementation roadmap as part of a long-term cooperation agenda.
The main objective of the ECCA project is to establish European Circular Construction Alliance (ECCA), an EU wide metacluster
as a long term European Strategic Cluster Partnership (ESCP) supporting clusters and business network
organizations, their SMEs and other cluster members collaborating for innovation, market-uptake, and marketing of
competitive products, services and technologies in the field of circular construction and support SMEs in global competition.
Project partners
Circular Economy – a global challenge for construction industry conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Construction industry is facing a number of challenges due to new technologies, high environmental, social and economical requirements, up and downs of the world and national economies. Circular economy brings additional ones requiring higher resource efficiency, new strategic thinking, value chain collaboration and business models, new collaborative developments, cooperation with others sectors and across borders. The conference was aimed to show that this is an opportunity for new development, growth and sustainability of the sector.Presentations and videos